Waterfall Charts

Innofalls Charts provide several distinct types of waterfall charts, each serving unique purposes and offering valuable insights into your data. Below is a summary of these chart types with links to their detailed subsections:

Running Total Waterfall Charts:

  • These charts break down a final sum into its constituent contributions, such as income statements or cash flow analysis.

  • They are excellent for tracking cumulative values over time or across categories.

  • Running Total Waterfall Charts are further subdivided into charts with intermediate totals and sub totals, offering different levels of data aggregation.

Delta Waterfall Charts Between Members:

  • These charts compare two specific values (such as two years) by showing deviations between the intermediate elements.

  • You can either use the default "auto" scheme for flexible element comparison or enforce the Delta Waterfall Scheme through the menu for a consistent view.

Measure Delta Waterfall Charts:

  • These charts compare different measures over the course of various members, providing insights into how the start and end measures change across a dataset.

  • They require filling in both the "Values From" and "Values" fields, and allow for the comparison of aggregated measures.

Deviation Waterfall Charts:

  • These charts can be added on top of an existing chart to visualize and accumulate deviations, making it easy to see how individual elements contribute to overall deviation from a baseline.

  • They are particularly useful for variance analysis in performance metrics and budget comparisons.

Automatic Waterfall Selection

If Auto is selected, the waterfall will be shown as a running totals waterfall, unless two or more elements in the drill down history are selected. Then a delta waterfall is built. With one exception: If the selected elements don't have children in common (like Quarters, which have different months as children), a running totals waterfall will be built.

See Automatic Chart Selection for more details.

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